Monday, May 2, 2011

New recycled Top for ME!

I realize I've got oodles of sewing to do for my Red Panty Line, tops that are cut out and just waiting to be brought to life. However, I wasted away Sunday and realized that I needed a new top just for ME!

So I combined a big shapeless linen dress and a graphic t shirt, and came up with this!

I really love it, the linen is a sort of gold color, and the pretty lady on the T shirt needed a new home.

Now maybe I can get back to work on RP stuff. And yes, that is a new haircut.....I'm cutting out the color, and going to my natural gray....that way the Purple dye will look every so much more shocking!


Anonymous said...

Really cute. I love it.

Trista Hill said...

Your grey looks awesome!!