I was happy to get the Panty quilts out in public again, it's been awhile!
I do feel happy with this particular piece, Watch What You Say. The shiny bits are the inside of a chip bag. The open mouth is printed on vellum, and the old diagram lines connect to my sewn lines leading to the words "hate" and "lies", which have the big red "NOT" circles on them. Click on the photo to see it more clearly.
Lots of other words on this one, too....."mirror, mirror"; "mind your tongue"; "do you like what you see?".
I also finished the central piece in this grouping...I don't consider them a triptych, but they hang together nicely. "Redbuds" because I love them in the spring!
There will be a little reception on Sunday, April 19th 2-4pm, so if you're around, stop by! The show will be up until the middle or end of June.
WONDERFUL, Tammy! I love this "show" and the combination of older and newish work!
Well worth the trip to Westerville!
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